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Weight A Minute: Top Five Weight-loss Myths Busted - Yahoo! Lifestyle India

Among the numerous myths floating around us all the times, myths about weight loss keep on surfacing every now and them.

They are all around us: on the Web, friends keep delivering sermons on them or they can be found in the latest issue of a celebrity magazine. On this World Health Day, MensXP tries to rip apart five grave misconceptions related to weight loss.

Myth 1: Giving Up the Breakfast

Skipping breakfast would only undo your efforts of losing weight. A high-nutrient breakfast gives our body the much-needed calorie burning start. Just make sure that your breakfast is composed of healthy stuff like sprouts, juices, etc and it's not equivalent to the heavy meals you enjoy at weddings.

Myth2: Carbs are My Worst Enemy

All carbs aren't bad. Soda, a carbohydrate, is bad but broccoli, another carbohydrate, is good. All you need to figure out is which carbs are good for you instead of worrying about the overall carb intake. Rely on veggies, fruits, and high-fiber whole grains (but do not indulge in gluttony). If you can't resist a tempting carb, say an ice-cream, burn it off with exercise.

Myth3: I Shouldn't Eat After 6 in the Evening

There's no magic time to get done with food for the day. Just stop devouring food which is bad for your health. For instance, if you're watching a late night movie on television force yourself to not eat junk food like ice creams, chips, burgers etc, rather go for salads, fruits etc.

Myth4: All I have to do is to Cut Down Calories

Not entirely true. While total intake of calories does matter, the source from which you get them is also important. You get almost the same number of calories from a handful of almonds and 3 apples as you would get from a cheeseburger and coke. But you know that you have to choose the former.

Myth5: All I Need is that Magic Pill to Help Me Shed Pounds

We're sorry to inform you but there are no miracle pills, potions, creams, belts and shoes which can help you grow muscles or cut flab in no time (as they might claim). These supplements may help but then you have to supplement them with right dietary and fitness programmes to extract the benefit out of them. (

Also Read: Morning Treadmill Workout for Weight Loss, Set Goals to Lose Weight


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