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Get rid of the excess Fat


Shape the Body with Lipoplasty

Liposuction is a medical procedure which is used to remove stubborn fat that accumulates in the thighs, hips, abdomen, buttocks, knees, upper arms, neck, chin, and cheeks. The procedure is usually done for cosmetic purposes or in extreme cases for excessive fat removal and to improve the body’s contour. Liposuction or “suction lipectomy” is usually done when all the traditional weight loss measures or the lifestyle changes fail to decrease the fat in the desired areas. Liposuction is employed in the extreme of all cases and should never be considered a substitute of balanced diet and exercise. The newer kind of the most advanced lipoplasty includes ultra sound assisted lipoplasty. 

Things to Know: Lipoplasty

Lipoplasty is a specialized surgical procedure which is performed by an accredited surgeon. Since there are some healthcare risks involved so a complete prior healthcare checkup is to be performed. Liposuction is not advised and risky for people suffering from diabetes and heart disease. The patient must check all the possible risk from his her physician. 

The Liposuction Process

A qualified and trained cosmetic surgeon very skillfully removes the excess fat with the help of a special medical procedure instrument cannula and much like a sculptor chisels away and shapes the area to get the desired shape. The excess fat is sucked away through the small incision in the skin. A special fluid is injected into the body that acts as anaesthetic and facilitates fat removal. The patient can walk away after a few days after the medical procedure. The patient can resume work in a matter of few days. The after procedure advise by the medical practitioner should be strictly followed. After a few days the normal life is resumed and the patient can cherish a well contoured body.


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