PANAJI: A 22-year-old lad from Pune expired although lifeguards rescued him from drowning off the Baga beach on Saturday evening. The deceased was later identified as Sachin Joshi of Akurdi, LIC colony, Pune. There was much confusion at the Baga beach when lifeguards struggled to rescue a group of tourists from Pune from drowning in the sea. The tourists had experienced a banana boat ride, where the boat flipped into the water - around 30 metres away from the seashore. While the boat crew and most of the group struggled to walk back to shore due to the rough seas, four tourists were stranded in neck-deep water. Lifeguards on jet skis approached the four drowning tourists, throwing rescue tubes towards them for their safety. Three of them were picked up by jet ski operators, and were brought back to the beach safely. However, one tourist disappeared from sight. He had lost grip of his rescue tube and disappeared under the waves. Finally, a jet ski borne lifeguard picked up the fourth tourist and dragged him to a safer zone in the sea, where another lifeguard also reached, swimming on a rescue board. The tourist was placed on the rescue board, where the lifeguard administered quick CPR and rushed him towards the beach. Compressions began immediately along with oxygen and automated external defibrillator (AED), while CPRs continued to be given. By then, the lifeguard tower had already called the ambulance, which rushed the lad to the primary health centre (PHC). However, he was declared dead by the 108 paramedic outside the PHC. Read more: Pune youth dies after being rescued off Baga beach - The Times of India
Vaccination Appointment for International Travelers (VAIT) Yellow Fever Vaccination is given only between 10 am and 4 pm everyday. Mail a copy of your passport to before your appointment date. Yellow fever : · Mandatory vaccination against yellow fever is carried out to prevent the importation of yellow fever virus into vulnerable countries. These are countries where yellow fever does not occur but where the mosquito vector and non-human primate hosts are present. Importation of the virus by an infected traveller could potentially lead to the establishment of infection in mosquitoes and primates, with a consequent risk of infection for the local population. In such cases, vaccination is an entry requirement for all travellers arriving from countries, including airport transit, where there is a risk of yellow fever transmission. If yellow fever vaccination is contraindicated for medical reasons, a medica...
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