Telecom services provider Aircel announced its partnership with Apollo Hospitals to provide interactive healthcare services on mobile phones to users across the country. Through the 'Aircel Apollo Mobile HealthCare' service, users can get medical consultation over phone for Rs 45. "Aircel will launch by Diwali this year for its users in Chennai and Tamil Nadu circles, and later expand it to other parts of the country," Aircel Chief Operating Officer Gurdeep Singh told reporters here. Through Tele Triage, which is one of the service under the initiate, Aircel subscribers can call the Apollo physicians and paramedics to seek medical help round-the clock. The companies, however, declined to comment on the revenue-sharing agreement between Apollo and Aircel. "This initiative with Apollo Hospitals Group, will bring a revolution in healthcare as it provides the best in medical care on mobile phones anytime," Singh said. Aircel and Apollo will also offer tele-medicine facility (which allows patients to consult physicians over video for immediate health care) through Aircel Retail outlets and other retail stores from the first quarter of next fiscal. Aircel has a subscriber base of over 45 million. "This first-of-its-kind initiative will help in taking healthcare services to the masses," Apollo Hospitals Group Chairman Prathap C Reddy said.
Vaccination Appointment for International Travelers (VAIT) Yellow Fever Vaccination is given only between 10 am and 4 pm everyday. Mail a copy of your passport to before your appointment date. Yellow fever : · Mandatory vaccination against yellow fever is carried out to prevent the importation of yellow fever virus into vulnerable countries. These are countries where yellow fever does not occur but where the mosquito vector and non-human primate hosts are present. Importation of the virus by an infected traveller could potentially lead to the establishment of infection in mosquitoes and primates, with a consequent risk of infection for the local population. In such cases, vaccination is an entry requirement for all travellers arriving from countries, including airport transit, where there is a risk of yellow fever transmission. If yellow fever vaccination is contraindicated for medical reasons, a medica...
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